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The Tempest’s Eye is an race against the clock style adventure, with some cult and horror themes, and is balanced for a party of four to five Level 5 adventurers. The plot of this adventure draws heavy inspiration from race against the clock style stories like “Speed”, forcing your party to save their allies from the assassins known as the “Mistwalkers” in time.


The adventure will have the party racing all over the city, starting in the Arden Floating Market, and moving to the Glasswork Hollow as well as The Harborfront and the Scholar’s Enclave. The adventure will be split between investigating, hurrying to the assassin’s next target, and battling with these Mistwalkers. While the first adventure likely found the Player Characters (PCs) coming out ahead of the Draugr Court, this adventure is meant to show them just how much power they can bring to bear against the party.


Additionally, this adventure is meant to target the party through their Allies, really cementing just how vicious the Draugr Court can be. Knowing this, don’t hold back on killing a few beloved NPCs here to really solidify the party’s determination to take down the Lablange family and the Draugr Court as a whole. In the end, those they manage to save will be valuable allies to have in their corner when planning this final showdown.

The Tempest's Eye

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