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Ardenfell is a city steeped in artistry. From the intense bidding wars of the Unending Auction to the exquisite handcrafted garments of the Fashion Row, the city is alive with the sound of hammers, looms, and sewing machines. Visitors can take in the sights and sounds of the bustling Glasswork Hollow where skilled artisans create delicate works of art from molten glass. In Ardenfell, the pursuit of art is a way of life.

Welcome to the Glasswork Hollow! In this Setting Guide you'll find everything you need to add a bit more depth to the cities and towns of your world. Perhaps your party is interested in getting something crafted? Well look no further than the Artisan's Cathedral, the solemn headquarters of the city's Artisan's Guild. Or maybe you have a hip performer in the group? Well in that case head over to Glisten Street, a bohemian street in the Hollow known for its unique style and well-known cafes. Remember, this guide is meant to provide flexibility and creative freedom for Game Masters to design a world and story that suits their vision and allows for spontaneous changes while still having some foundational items to make the city or story come to life!

Glasswork Hollow Setting Guide

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